Play Status Reports provide a view of the current status of records and tasks within each Play. It’s important to note that the Lead Status field of the record will not indicate if it has tasks past due. Instead, the status indicates what status the record is categorized as right now.
These SalesForce reports are not included by default in the unmanaged package. To begin using these reports, you can replicate the Filter, Outline, Chart Properties, and Row Info configurations shown below each report.
- Records Enrolled in Plays (by Play Step)
- Paused Records by Next Step Due Date
- Records with Tasks Due (and Past Due)
- Records with Scheduled Calls
These reports can be used for any four main Salesforce objects: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities. You can change the filters in the report to indicate which Salesforce object you want to be covered in the report. For a comprehensive view of your business activity, it is important to collate activity across all objects in use.
The statuses for the records can be one of the following:
- Not Started – A prospect has been enrolled, but no action has been taken.
- In-Flight – Play has had at least one Play task completed but is not finished.
- Paused – Either the Playbooks user has paused the play to put it on hold to work on later, or the Play is paused because a customer replied to one of their emails, and now the Play either needs to be resumed or marked successful.
- Scheduled Call – The Playbooks user has scheduled a future call for this record.
- Success – The Play has been marked successful, and the record is still enrolled in the Play.
- Failure – All Play Steps have been completed without the Play being marked successful.
- Un-enrolled – The record has been removed from the Play.
Records Enrolled in Plays (by Play Step)
“How many records are in each Play, and what step are they on?”
This report will show all the records enrolled in every Play you have and what step the records have progressed to. This report will be critical when a new Play has been launched to evaluate progress.

Paused Records by Next Step Due Date
“What records have been Paused?”
This report is a way to monitor how many users have paused records. When a record is paused, the Playbook's Next Step Due Date is updated to the date the rep anticipates resuming the Play. Managers and ops teams should not be alarmed by seeing large records paused since reps use the Pause feature on all their records if they are on holiday/leave or if strategy needs to be temporarily shifted. Instead, managers and ops teams should investigate previous records with Next Step Due Dates and records with Next Step Due Dates several months in the future.
Records with Tasks Due (and Past Due)
“How many record tasks does each user have due today?”
This report shows how many records have tasks due today as well as records with past-due activities. In a perfect world, this list should approach zero at the end of each day. Because the report shows leads/contacts/accounts/opportunity records, if there are multiple activities prescribed in a Play for that record, it will only be counted once on this report.
For this report to work correctly, you need to add the formula below to the Past Due column. Review the code below
Column Name: Past Due
Formula Output Type: Text
Formula: IF(Lead.Playbooks_Next_Step_Due_Date__c < TODAY(), "Past Due", "Due Today" )
Records with Scheduled Calls
“How many records have a Scheduled Call?”
This report displays the number of records with a scheduled call for each user. The Schedule A Call feature helps reps respond to customers based on their availability. A scheduled call is usually a good thing. This report could help identify reps not using the feature. It also gives managers insight if a rep has too many scheduled calls on one day; they could provide backup support if scheduled calls go long.
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