You have created a new robot (e.g., to add records into Play) but it finds no eligible records, while the records that meet the criteria exist in your CRM. The new robot should have records that qualify, but no records are found when testing the automation.
This issue may happen when the robot hasn't been configured correctly.
Try rebuilding your robot from scratch following the instructions in the article Creating a Robot. You should see qualifying records when you test the robot. If the robot is configured to use Teams (Not 'Anyone' or 'Queue'), you should see a list of agents from the team and matching records for each user.
Note: When you test a robot, it may show no qualifying records if they were recently actioned by a robot; for example, when robots for your organization are scheduled to run every 5 or 10 minutes (under Settings > Company Settings in the manager app). You can check task sync logs (search for CRMuIDs) to confirm if the required records were actioned.
If you are still experiencing an issue with the robot, submit a request to support providing:
- The name of the robot
- Screenshot of the robot configuration
- Examples of the qualifying records, including a screenshot and CRMUids
Support would need to confirm that the robot is correctly configured. If you were able to reproduce the issue by recreating the robot and confirm that it is properly configured but does not find the eligible records, escalate the case to the ENG team providing the customer name, the robot name, its configuration, and information about CRM records that should qualify (including CRMUids).
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