You may want to know how to mass remove records, e.g. leads and contacts, that have no email from a Play as email tasks are not being sent due to the following error:
This email couldn't be automatically sent because this prospect doesn't have an email address
You can mass remove records with no email in one of the following ways:
- Create a robot that will remove the required records using the following criteria for the robot:
- Select the required record type (e.g., Lead or Contact).
You will need to create a separate robot for each record type. - Select records that are owned by you
- Select the CRM Field Value with the below criteria to find all records with a blank email value:
<Required record type, e.g., Lead> - Email - Equals - <leave the field blank>
- Select the action Remove From Playbooks.
- Select the required record type (e.g., Lead or Contact).
- If all of the records with no email were added into a single Play, you can go to the People menu in Playbooks, filter the records by the corresponding Play, and then remove all of the unnecessary records - you can select and remove up to 250 records at once.
There is no way to filter only records that have no email; however, after removing all of the records from a Play, you can filter only the records that have an email in a list view or report in your CRM and then add those record in bulk to the same Play. Please note that if you have completed certain steps for some of the records, you will need to start the Play from scratch (step 1) after re-adding these records to the Play.
Note: There is no feature in Playbooks that would not allow importing records that do not have emails.
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