You are trying to download the Task Sync Log in the Playbooks Manager app, but the Task Sync page is apparently blank. However, when highlighting the Task Sync page you notice the following error message is displayed:
{"errorId":"[errorId]","httpCode":500,"message":"File failed to upload to blob storage: failed to get next row from results","reason":"UNEXPECTED_SERVER_ERROR","requestId":"requestId"}.
Additionally, users may not be able to Copy Robot Criteria after clicking Test This Robot:
This behavior is experienced when there are issues in the database that prevent the report from being generated. If you are experiencing this issue, please contact Playbooks Support with the following information:
- User experiencing the issue
- Organization name
The Playbooks infrastructure team will make the required changes in the database and Playbooks Support will inform you when the issue is fixed, and you can download the Task Sync Logs.
<supportagent>Before escalating the issue to the SaaS team, you will need to find the exact error using Graylog. The requestId returned by the report (visible in the error message displayed on the Task Sync page) will not help you identify the error. It is merely the id of the request to download the report. The error will be associated with the requestId of the request that initiated the report. To find the error:
- Acquire the organization's POD and OrgId using the Provision tool.
- Access the correct Graylog instance using the credentials in PasswordState.
- Search for:
message:"failed to get next row from results" AND orgId:<orgId from step 1>
- Expand the row with the message "failed to get next row from results" and Timestamp that matches the date the issue was reported.
- Check the content of the err property.
Report the issue to the SaaS team as described in the routing table and provide the following information:
- The error displayed in the err property.
- OrgId
- Link to the Restore Broken Task Sync Report runbook.
Note: This restoration needs to be performed by the SaaS team as Playbooks support agents do not have access to the database.
Once the SaaS team repairs all rows, the report will download.
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