- Playbooks Tasks Prioritization
- Can Managers Limit Which Sort Options Are Available to Users?
- Push Notifications on Mobile
- Completed Tasks Appear Overdue
- Check Details of Future Tasks
- Playbook is stuck in the same lead
- Lead Conversion during a Call Results in Orphaned Tasks
- Clear Notifications List under the 'Bell' Button
- What Actions Allow You to Collect the Most Points in Playbooks Rankings?
- Can We Have Prospect's Name Displayed in Call Task Along with the Phone Number?
- Calls Unexpectedly Appear in Past Due Tasks
- Emails Unexpectedly Appear in Past Due Tasks
- Automatic time zone detection fails for phone call tasks
- Playbooks Shows Tasks while there are no Opportunities
- How to Add a Social Media Step to a Play?
- No Tasks Shown In Playbooks for Today, While Yesterday There Were Multiple Future Tasks
- Next arrow does not go to the next record or advance the task bucket
- SMS Play Tasks have a character limit of 70 instead of 160
- How do I get to my next task after sending an email via Neural Send?
- Tasks aren't Syncing to Salesforce CRM - "Service returned Forbidden (403) error" in the Sync Log
- Can I add an SMS text as a step in a Play ?
- How can I view tasks that are not due today?
- Tasks do not appear immediately after adding new leads to a Play
- Show Users Total Count of all Tasks that Fit the Custom Sort Rules
- How to Create Custom Sort Based on a Certain CRM Field?
- Add More More than One Play to Custom Sorts Rule Criteria
- Automatic Email Pop-up Notification
- Error: "List view failed to load, please refresh your page" When Trying to Log Activities
- Why are my tasks showing only a few accounts loaded into Playbooks?
- Call Tasks and Dispositions Are Not Linking to Salesforce After Creating a Validation Rule